Grant Partnership
As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, the VCA can serve as an umbrella for local groups or individuals applying for project grants that require a nonprofit recipient. We have a successful record as a community partner on grant-supported arts and culture endeavors. If you are designing a project aimed at fostering, promoting, and/or increasing public and knowledge of and appreciation for arts, film, or other cultural activities, we may be interested in partnering with you. Our executive director and board members will evaluate the proposed project against our organization’s mission, taking into account our current schedule of projects, and let you know what may be possible. Reach out to us via email with a project proposal and grant information.
Funding Requests
The VCA has a limited amount of funding to contribute to partner organizations’ events. We accept applications annually by March 1 for requests up to $500. If you have a project that (1) contributes to the cultural wellbeing of the community and (2) could use a boost to make it great, please submit the below request form. Our Programming Committee will review requests as they are made and reply within 1 month of submission, after our committee meeting.